(Rubus spp.)
Parts used: leaves
Taste: Sour (astringent)
Properties: cool/dry, astringent, tonic, uterine tonic, hemostatic, mild alterative.
Used for: fertility, menstrual cramping, promote lactation, uterine prolapse, leucorrhea, preparation for childbirth, diarrhea
Red Raspberry is often considered a woman’s herb and is commonly used especially during pregnancy. It gently eases nausea and morning sickness. It is scientifically proven to ease uterine and intestinal spasms as well as strengthening the uterine wall. These actions help to ease labor pains and facilitate births. There is also evidence that regular infusions taken during the third trimester reduce the incidence of false labor.
Drinking infusions after birth increases the colostrum found in breast milk, ensuring a healthy start for the newborn. Susun Weed notes that although for some woman Red Raspberry leaf increases breast milk, for others the astringency of the herb may counter that.
Raspberry infusions are also used to harmonize menstruation, reduce menstrual cramping and promote fertility. You can see why it is often thought of as a women’s herb!
However, it’s unfair to classify raspberry leaves as only beneficial to women. Not only does red raspberry tone the uterus, it also has a toning effect for the male reproductive system as well. It has been used in cases of enuresis, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, impotence and sterility.
As a strong astringent raspberry can be used in cases of diarrhea and frequent urination.
Raspberry leaves have the ability to promote healthy bones, nails, teeth, and skin. It’s common to find it paired with red clover as a fertility tonic for both men and women.
Keep it Simple
Red Raspberry is uterine tonic especially beneficial to women during pregnancy. Its high calcium and mineral content make it beneficial to all.
Want to explore other herbs to use for nourishing herbal infusions?
I've got you covered! Click the links below to see other nourishing herbs.
Where to find the herbs
Many of the herbs we use for NHI can be found in our backyards. See my series on Wildcrafting to learn more about harvesting from the wild.
If these herbs are entirely foreign to you, ordering them from a respectable herb dealer is a simple way to gain access to these herbs and start incorporating them into your daily life. It's always best to buy local. If that's not an option then I highly recommend buying herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs.

Many of the herbs we use for NHI can be found in our backyards. See my series on Wildcrafting to learn more about harvesting from the wild.
If these herbs are entirely foreign to you, ordering them from a respectable herb dealer is a simple way to gain access to these herbs and start incorporating them into your daily life. It's always best to buy local. If that's not an option then I highly recommend buying herbs from Mountain Rose Herbs.